Gods Of Grip
The Ridge Pinch Gripper
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An evil concoction from the grip shed. The ridge is an extremely challenging key pinch lift. Available in three different heights, do you dare take on the 6mm Ridge?
As with all of our grip tools, the ridges have been designed, manufactured and tested by our team in the UK.
- Low Ridge- 6mm
- Mid Ridge - 10mm
- High Ridge - 14mm
What is The Ridge?
The idea for the ridge came from wanting to develop a tool to specifically target key pinch for gripsters and help build finger strength for climbers. The tiny amount of surface to get hold of makes it very taxing on the fingers.
To make this lift even more difficult we've welded either side of the ridge, so the middle remains completely flat against the circle base.
Start Lifting
- The Ridge
- Loading Pin & Carabiner
- Weight Plates
Then you're good to go.