With the upcoming launch of the new Grip Shed, we launch our new Gods Of Grip Academy.

The perfect place for you to hone your grip skills, grow those forearms and have a blast while doing it.

You'll get exclusive access to discounts, VIP entry into our events, top notch coaching and the keys to the legendary "Grip Shed" – where gripping dreams become reality. And guess what? We're not leaving your skill development to chance. We're dishing out monthly training tips that'll turn you into a grip wizard faster than you can say "grip it and rip it."

Each month, we roll out the red carpet for our amazing members. Get ready to receive accolades and recognition for your gripping achievements, because we believe in celebrating your victories – big or small.

So, whether you're a hardcore grip enthusiast or just testing the waters and improve your grip strength, The Gods Of Grip Grip Academy is your ticket to a gripping adventure with a side of fun. 

Grip Academy Membership Apprentice



This tier works best for those looking to enter competitions throughout the year.

Due to increased popularity we're rewarding our Grip Academy Members with discounted entry and early access (to avoid missing out).

We will also add you to our exclusive grip tip mailing list and keep a keen eye on any lifts giving you the chance to feature in our monthly Gripping Newsletter.

Grip Academy Membership Crusader



Best for those looking to enter competitions and hone their skills as well as instantly unlocking your very own 10% discount code and getting a monthly entry into our protoype product draw!

You'll also bag yourself a technique focused grip session, this can either be in person or online.

To top it all off you'll get signed up to our exclusive grip tip mailing list and have the chance to feature in our Gripping Monthly Article.

Grip Academy Membership Master

Grip Academy Membership

Grip Apprentice

The best membership if you're looking to put some time into improving your grip strength, then put those skills to the test!

Instantly bagging yourself a 10% discount code, monthly entry into the product prototype draw, a technique training session, training structure analysis, early access and discounted entry to events.

That's quite the stack of benefits, a great membership option which let's you get a taster of our higher tier memberships.

Grip Academy Membership Titan

Grip Academy Membership


The best option if you're really looking to enhance your grip strength, our expert team of grip nerds are at the ready prepare and plan your grip routine.

Along with the expert grip coaching you'll also unlock all the epic benefits of the previous tier including bagging yourself a 10% discount code, monthly entry into the product prototype draw, the chance to feature in our Gripping Monthly Article, VIP access and discounted entry into future events.

A great value package that we guarantee will take your grip strength to new heights.

Grip Academy Membership God



The ultimate Grip Academy Membership unlocking all the best benefits including your very own 15% discount code.

This plan includes all the best previous benefits including top notch grip coaching from our experts, monthly entry into the product prototype draw, the chance to feature in our Gripping Monthly Article, VIP access and discounted entry into future events.

The raspberry on top is the ability to get 2 x 1 on 1 Grip Training sessions at the Grip Shed each month, allowing you to train and learn how to lift pretty much any piece of grip equipment there is.

Looking for something else?