Crush Club
Elite Male Rankings
Elite Gripper Certifications
The Crush Club is home to the Elite Crushers of our highest rated Hand Grippers under certification rules.
Elite Certifications will be based on two types of crush:
This close allows a 'Set'. Using your free hand you can position the hand gripper in the gripping hand. The starting position can be no narrower than 30mm, the width of the GOG Setting Block. The setting block must clearly be shown fitting in between the legs of the hand gripper, then removed before commencing the crush.
This is 'Table No Set' which is closing the hand gripper from fully open using one hand only with no set. This type of close out ranks a setting block close.
We are allowing multiple repetitions that will be held in a leaderboard style. Each repetition for both TNS & Set closes must follow the rules for each attempt. There is a 60 second time limit from the beginning of the first repetition, after this any attempts will be invalidated.
Men can certify on Elite 6 & Elite 7.
Women can certify on Elite 3 and above.
- Carl Myerscough - 12 Reps
- Derek Palmeri - 4 Reps
- Tom Lymath - 3 Reps
- Oliver Dilley - 2 Reps
- Paul Savage - 1 Rep (RIP 🙏)
- Austin Seitter - 1 Rep
- Louis Jackson - 1 Rep
- Ben Helms - 1 Rep
- Carl Myerscough - 3 Reps
- Tom Lymath - 9 Reps
- Ben Helms - 6 Reps
- Austin Seitter - 4 Reps
- Oliver Dilley - 1 Rep
- Sam Solomi - 1 Rep
- Lewis Fordham - 1 Rep
- Jake Goodman - 1 Rep
- Alan Whooton - 1 Rep
- Clint Ziegler - 1 Rep
- Lewis Brice - 1 Rep
- Tom Lymath - 2 Reps
- Oliver Dilley - 1 Rep
- Austin Seitter - 1 Rep
- Rebecca Roberts - 2 Reps
- Rebecca Roberts - 1 Rep
- Laura Breakell - 1 Rep
- Emma Hunt - 1 Rep
- Alix Arndt - 1 Rep
- Rebecca Roberts - 1 Rep
- Anna Andreotti - 1 Rep
Join The Elite

Elite Series Hand Grippers
Hades Male Rankings
Hades 300lb
Our original hand gripper certification. Hades proved a mammoth challenge for most. Those successfull are awarded with the coveted Crush Club members pass.
To successfully join the Crush Club the two legs of the hand gripper must meet using just one hand.
No setting block is required & setting is allowed.
- Sergey Goneko - Watch
- Ethan Bird - Watch
- Kyle Fullerton
- ‘Gripator’
- Emmanouil Marizas
- Matt Freestone
- Joe Kirkwood
- Nathan Holle
- 'Aricunisi'
- Michael Mash
- Shane Miller
- Giorgio Giannico
- Mitch Jackson
- Alex Taylor
- Romana Davide
- Jutta Lange
- Jason Dawes
- Daniel Roberts
- Tom Black
- Lucca Romano
- Oliver Dilley
- Shaun Ribble
- Stu Allison
- Evgeniy Schwartz - Watch
This Hand Gripper has been discontinued - Any future closes will be added.
- Alex Cassidy
- Cristian Jordan
- Lewis Goodman
- Jake Thornton
- Mirko Palma
- Thomas Gazziero
- Austin Seitter