inside a gripsters gym bag

Inside A Gripsters Gym Bag

As I decided to lurk outside of the safety of the Grip Shed this week, I had to re pack my gym bag.. Which gave me the idea for this weeks blog...

Hand Gripper

If you’re into grip training and don’t have a collection of hand grippers, then you aren’t as into grip as you thought you were.

godlike hand gripper

Hand Gipper’s should be in every gripsters gym bag, not just to train with, but also to show off with. Our party trick should be crushing a super heavy hand gripper that most people can’t even move.

Watch them struggle to wrap their frail hands around the gripper while you can crush it with ease. It’s simply one of the best and easiest training tools you can have. Great for warming up, keeping on your desk or just displaying at home if they look as good as ours!

hand gripper

Some of the benefits include growing mammoth crush grip power, developing forearm muscularity and improving dexterity.

hand gripper


Us gripsters use chalk for pretty much everything, axle, pinch blocks, rolling handles, hand grippers, seasoning chicken etc.. So you never know when you might need it.

gym chalk

Most commercial gyms these days won’t have any chalk as they don't want you making a mess of their nice comfy crossfit flooring. But they will never know if you sneak some in your gym bag!

Luckily for you we provide not only bags of the secret recipe powdered chalk but also provide handy tubs for you to carry it around in.

Finger Exerciser

Simple but effective this grip training accessory is great for warming up or recovery. Training your finger extensors, wrists and forearms it is a great all round accessory that you will see results with.

finger exerciser bands

There are many variations of this products including our own, which comes in 3 different resistances depending on your level or need. You can simulate this motion using some elastic bands.

finger exerciser bands

While not quite as effective it gives you an idea of how they work and how it can benefit you.

A Towel

Another essential accessory for the gym bag is a towel, used for wiping down equipment, drying your hands, warming up or even patting down your forehead after a giant set.

We keep one in our gym at all times just to dry off our hands between lifts if its a warm day or wipe excess chalk off the equipment and I also now have one in my gym bag for the rare occasion I venture out into the wild.

Grip Ring

A great little tool for keeping in your gym bag, they are small, easy to use and great for a number of different things. I mainly use mine when warming up doing a light 5 minute cycle on the bike or walk switching it between my hands just squeezing it.

grip training ring

You can also use it between sets just keeping the hands warm and blood flowing. Ours come in a number of resistances which is great for focusing on warming up or building strength.

grip training ring

There we go! There's 5 things every gripster should have in their gym bag!

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