Godlike Grip Powdered Gym Chalk
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Straight from the heavens, our Powdered Godlike Grip Gym Chalk is the best quality.
When it comes to powdered gym chalk, we prefer quality over quantity which is why we not only supply the highest quality powdered chalk but also offer it at the best price possible.
This is high quality powdered magnesium carbonate, perfect for weightlifting, climbing, grip training and if your like me.. Making a mess on the floor.
Our godlike grip chalk is perfect for weightlifting. As it is available in bags or tubs, it's really easy to store in your gym bag or at the gym. The texture allows our chalk to stick to your hands and the barbell to maximize your grip, reduce sweat and improve performance.
If there's one thing we've learned about strongmen it's they love their chalk... By the bucket load.. Smother it all over the back of your brand new gods of grip t-shirt to get that little bit of extra grip on the yoke. Slap it all over your chest to get a little extra grip on the axle clean and press. Yes.. we know all your tricks!
Why compromise on quality? Once you've sampled the godlike grip chalk you'll never want to use any other chalk again. Perfect for keeping in your gym bag, taking to event days or competitions. It can be your secret weapon to success.
Perfect for taking with you when hitting the wall or when free climbing. Our godlike grip chalk won't let you down. Tired of crumbly lumps of chalk not sticking to your hands or the rockface? Our top quality magnesium carbonate ensures you receive maximum grip. If you're looking to improve your grip for climbing click here.
Whether your vaulting, hitting the parallel bars or working on your floor, having top quality gymnastics chalk is essential. Helping to prevent sweat on your hands is going to keep your grip at its most efficient.
You can check out our chalk analysis page here for more information.